Monday, 12 April 2010

Lot's Of Decisions

Well the game has now started and the date is 1st Of January 2025 and it's currently midnight it's also the dawn of a new era for the human race. The local system is very familiar as you can see:

The first thing I need to do is choose a governor for planet Earth and this will be the person who will make the descisions which will shape the future.

According to the colony summary the governor needs to be level A3 and checking the Leaders screen four civilian administrators are qualified.

Kate Wallace Shipbuilding 5% Factory Production 20% Mining 5% Population Growth 10% and Logistical 10%

Christopher White Mining 15%

Samuel Mellor Wealth Creation 10% Mining 15% and Diplomacy 15%

Gemma Fraser Wealth Creation 5% Population Growth 5% and Ground Unit Construction 10%

Based on this choice I have decided to go with Kate Wallace this is mainly due to the shipbuilding bonus as I hope to start building ships very soon.

So Kate Wallace becomes the first planetary governor of Earth. The next thing I need to look at is the research we need to carry out and the first aim is to get our first spacecraft into space so we can explore our local system.

All spacecraft need engines so lets get a design put together. The thing about Aurora that really sets it apart from other space 4X games is the detail that is involved for example we need to actually design an engine. To do this I select Design from the button in the colony summary.

This then defaults to the best design based on current research so the only engine we can design at this stage of the game is Nuclear Thermal and the only other choice we can make is wether it's a military or commercial design. For our first design I'm going to select military which is a less powerful engine but takes up less hull space on the craft.

Once the design is complete I need to assign a research team and some labs we currently have twenty. The research cost for the engine design is 120 research points and my lead researcher in the field of power and propulsion is Adam Connolly he can oversee 5 labs and has a 20% research bonus in this field. The task is assigned and the estimated completion date is the 25th of January.

If we are going to explore beyond the Sol system we need to survey for potential jump points so another tech we will start on is jump point theory which has a research point cost of 5000 so it's a biggie!!!

Reece Goodwin is assigned to this and all 15 of the remaining labs are set to work the completion on this is the 16th of January 2026 which is just over a year away.

Before we start to move time forward I'm going to look at the industry tab and set-up some construction projects. I currently have 8.31million available workers with an annual growth rate of 2.77%.

I have 420 construction factories and these help with construction of all installations so I'm going to build 30 more to bring the number to 450. Each installation has a mineral cost and each factory costs:

60 Duranium, 30 Tritanium and 30 Vendarite

We have two minerals due to deplete in the next ten years these are Boronide and Gallicite so we need to start to geosurvey the system as soon as possible.

I'm also going to start building four research labs to hopefully help us expand faster these will be completed on the 2nd of June 2026.

Well I think we can start moving time forward now and Aurora has various time increments which range from 5 seconds to 30 days and the choice of which one to use is dependant on whats happening in the game. For example in combat a shorter time period will be used but if nothing much is happening a longer time period can be used.

I will move forward five days and the only thing that shows up in our events is various officers are assigned to our ground forces which is done automatically as I have selected automated assignments in the leaders screen.

Well that's all for now more will follow tomorrow.

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